Downloading Imagery Data What is in this directory Each image directory contains all of the images in the dataset, a metadata file, and an index shapefile that shows the location of each image in the dataset. Directories may contain over a thousand files, so users will generally want a mechanism that allows downloading in bulk. One option is to use Wget (freely available at, a command line utility that is very flexible and works on multiple platforms. An example usage of Wget is given below. Other options are available, and a Web search for "download manager" should provide some useful results. Please note that the files are most easily accessed via ftp at or at Displaying Imagery Data Some imagery viewers may apply a 2 standard deviation stretch on the imagery by default. This may result in urban features appearing bright or "washed out". Turning off the 2 standard deviation stretch should correct the problem. For More Information NOAA Office for Coastal Management (843) 740-1200